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As you like it by william shakespeare analysis

Version: 54.55.46
Date: 05 April 2016
Filesize: 66 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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   Bookmark this page    Manage My Reading List Orlando de Boys This young Englishman is noble and pure of heart. His constant concern and care for Adam, the old family servant, immediately makes the audience esteem him. When he learns that his brother Oliver is planning to kill him, he leaves home and goes to the Forest of Arden with old Adam. In the forest, he attaches love poems addressed to Rosalind on all the trees. Finally, he and Rosalind are united and wed. Oliver de Boys He is supposed to teach his younger brother Orlando to be a gentleman, but he does not do so; he is a treacherous youth and tries to have Orlando killed. Orlando, however, saves him from being killed by a deadly snake and, later, from a fierce lioness, and finally the two brothers are reconciled. Oliver eventually falls in love with Celia. Jaques de Boys Like Oliver and Orlando, he is one of the sons of the late Sir Roland de Boys. He is favored by Oliver over Orlando, and he is sent away to school to learn how to be a proper gentleman. At the end of the play, he appears onstage and announces that the corrupt Duke Frederick has been converted to a life of goodness by an old hermit. Duke Frederick The villain of this comedy, he banishes his elder brother, and eventually he also exiles his brother's daughter, Rosalind, from the ducal palace. Just before the play ends, he is converted by a religious hermit, and, henceforward, he chooses to lead a monastic life in the Forest of Arden. Rosalind She is the most realistic and sympathetic character in the play. She falls in love with Orlando and shortly thereafter is exiled from the ducal court by Frederick. Accompanied by Celia and Touchstone, she goes to the Forest of Arden disguised as a young man, Ganymede. In the forest, she is wooed by Orlando, who is unaware that she is, in reality, his beloved Rosalind. Celia She is Rosalind's cousin and.
Context Plot Overview Character List Analysis of Major Characters Themes, Motifs they are much like David and Jonathan in the Bible. Rosalind's father, Duke Senior, has been banished by his own brother, Celia's father, Duke Frederick. Frederick is the villain of the tale. Although he banishes Rosalind's father, he allows her to stay for some time because she is so close to Celia. However, his patience runs out, and he decides to banish Rosalind as well. In fact, he swears she will die if she is within 20 miles of the castle after ten days have passed. Orlando Before we move to the next section, we must take a look at Orlando. Oliver and Orlando are brothers who inherit their father's estate after he passes. However, the greedy and cruel Oliver neglects Orlando's schooling and gentlemanly upbringing, keeping the best of the estate for himself. Rosalind meets Orlando at a wrestling match, and the two fall in love without revealing their feelings to each other. Oliver eventually tries to have Orlando killed, so Orlando and an elderly, faithful servant flee to the Forest of Arden where Duke Frederick and his merry men live. By the way, Orlando carves Rosalind's name in the bark of the trees in the forest, and hangs love poems for her on the tree branches. A Daring Plan As Rosalind and Celia cannot be parted, they both disguise themselves: Rosalind as a gentleman named.

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