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Commons net ftp 2 0 jar download

Version: 48.41.91
Date: 28 April 2016
Filesize: 170 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Apache Commons Net Apache Commons Net™ library implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols. The purpose of the library is to provide fundamental protocol access, not higher-level abstractions. Therefore, some of the design violates object-oriented design principles. Our philosophy is to make the global functionality of a protocol accessible (e.g., TFTP send file and receive file) when possible, but also provide access to the fundamental protocols where applicable so that the programmer may construct his own custom implementations (e.g, the TFTP packet classes and the TFTP packet send and receive methods are exposed). Features Supported protocols include: FTP/ FTPS FTP over HTTP (experimental) NNTP SMTP( S) POP3( S) IMAP( S) Telnet TFTP Finger Whois rexec/rcmd/rlogin Time (rdate) and Daytime Echo Discard NTP/ SNTP Background Apache Jakarta Commons Net started as a commercial Java library called Net Components, originally developed by ORO, Inc. in the early days of Java. After its release in 1998, the source code was donated to the Apache Software Foundation and made available under the Apache License. Since then, many programmers have contributed to the continued development of Jakarta Commons Net. The current version numbering scheme bears no relation to the old. In other words, Jakarta Commons Net 1.0 succeeded and supplanted Net Components. Apache Jakarta Commons is now an independent project and is called Apache Commons. Examples Commons NET includes several working sample applications that you can use. Source files are included in the source (and binary) archives, and a compiled jar is provided. To use one of the sample applications, ensure that the example and main jars are both in the same directory. Then run the class as per the following example: java -jar [path/]commons-net-examples-3.1.jar FTPClient Example [parameters] This uses the.
Search:     Package/class Name keywords in source code Jar file name Classes in jar file commons-net-ftp-2.0.jar Jar File: Download commons-net-ftp-2.0.jar Size: 89.04 KB Last Modified: Oct 19, 2008 Detail.

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