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Drivers Update

Gg joshiraku 01 zero raws

Version: 30.61.78
Date: 07 April 2016
Filesize: 0.287 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Hetalia usually comes out on a Monday and the gg usually sub the thing Tuesday or Wednesday. However this week the episode randomly appeared on Friday, way before it was meant to be released. Why? I’ve seen people say it’s because the mobile phone download always comes earlier and someone uploaded it onto nico (the Japanese version of youtube, although most of them use the Japanese language youtube anyway so I dunno why nico still runs ). That doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense though. If this has always been the case then why did it take until episode 44 for this to happen? Why would gg decide to sub this version at episode 44? My guess behind this is that it was accidentally leaked. Similar to what happened to funimation with One Piece, they just didn’t handle their security properly. Either that or someone on the other side made quite the blunder. Heads are rolling back in Japan over this mistake. All very strange stuff it must be said. Might as well review the episode since it’s out. Moe moe kyun~ Yeah I just dropped a K- ON reference, how otaku am I? You know, the idea of Switzerland getting all mushy over his moe little sister Liechtenstein looks fantastic on paper. No, I’m not referring to the manga ( Hetalia is a webcomic so technically wouldn’t be on paper anyway) but just that idea of itty-bitty Liechtenstein is something that makes sense in your head. And yet when it comes out on Hetalia it’s just plain dull. There’s a small, shrivelled up part inside me, the part that thought Clannad was pretty darn good, that likes these segments. However the rest of me looks at them and thinks ‘yawn, more moe nonsense. Next’. This is such an awesome picture isn’t it? Their personalities are such polar opposites you have to wonder why these two haven’t produced that much great material thus far. Their only segment thus far was the two of them doing their.
Here’s the last episode of Binbougami ga. Edit: Patch, since Kay Dat sucks This reminds me of that time at Axpo 2011 when a guy came up to me in the food court and said, “ Hey, aren’t you koda? I came from Hawaii to call you a faggot.” —– Thanks to lightwater for translating. No thanks to lightwater for not being a fast enough translator & having school thus making it a Thursday release and causing annoying leechers to flood the website every week asking why it’s so “late”. Thanks to Xythar for editing, encoding, and doing odd jobs. No thanks to Xythar for going on vacation during the last 2 episodes despite all of his crap about how fansubbing = only thing he spends his spare time on. Thanks to Plorkyeran for encoding for the first couple episodes before Xythar took over doing it. No thanks to Jaka for his retarded mkvtoolnix install which caused Plorkyeran to look like he was unable to add audio to an mkv. Thanks to Sindalf for timing it. At first. No thanks to Sindalf for bitching about doing it. Thanks to fgghjjkll for volunteering to time something and taking over timing it from Sindalf. No thanks to fgghjjkll for being a 13 year old Chinese kid. ( Did you know you forgot the default style for ep13? Good thing I caught that.) Thanks to Kay Dat for filling in while Xythar was on vacation. No thanks to Kay Dat for not doing a good job babysitting Jaka. Thanks to herkz for typesetting the first episode while we looked for another dude to take over doing it full time. No thanks to herkz for going full autism mode on applicants and hopefuls. Thanks to Tai for agreeing to typeset the rest of it. Or so we thought. No thanks to Tai for going “ I don’t wanna do this” a billion weeks in a row including this week. Thanks to fnord for translating the songs. No thanks to valerauko for disappearing today which will cause more leechers to drop by wondering where E7 AO is even.

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