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Drivers Update

He is we skip to the good part zip 64

Version: 49.37.48
Date: 03 March 2016
Filesize: 158 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Stephen (right) has been living with HIV since 1988. According to CDC, nearly one in eight persons with HIV doesn’t know he or she is infected, and can pass the virus on to others without knowing it. Getting an HIV test, knowing your HIV status, and encouraging your friends, family, and community to do the same are important steps in preventing the spread of HIV. Talk with your friends and family about getting tested and protecting themselves. CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. Testing once a year (or more) is recommended for people at higher risk of HIV infection, such as those who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men ( MSM injection drug users, or people with multiple sex partners. Here are three good reasons for you to get an HIV test: Finding out early can help you live a longer, healthier life. There are treatments now that are available to you that can keep you healthy. You can find support, so that you stay connected to care. If you know, you can look out for yourself—and the people you love. The earlier you know, the more you can do. There’s new hope today for stopping HIV. Medicines (antiretroviral therapy, or ART) can lower the level of virus in the body. ART helps people with HIV live longer, healthier lives and also lowers the chances of passing on HIV to others. Knowing early enables you to help yourself and to protect others. Studies have shown that when people find out they have HIV, they are also more likely to take steps to protect their health and that of their partners. It’s easy. It’s free, fast, and confidential. Many clinics and testing locations in your area offer free HIV tests. You can even get confidential or anonymous HIV tests. To find out where you can get a free HIV test in your area, do one of the following: Use the site locator below.
Sorry, it's a bit vague but I was in a rush to get the information out here as I worked this out myself because all the tutorials I have seen on how to do this have not worked. Here we go: INITIAL SETUP Ensure VPS server is started up Connect via Win SCP ( Download if you don't have - Google it) and press Ctrl+ P to open a Pu TTY session Login as the user you got emailed/you set up Execute passwd Change your password * OPTIONAL: Add a new user by executing adduser USERNAME and set a password. Add your new user as a root user by editing the sudo config. Do this by executing the following commands: visudo Something like this will show: User privilege specification root ALL=( ALL: ALL) ALL Add the following lime USER ALL=( ALL: ALL) ALL Press Ctrl+ X Press Y to save and enter to confirm save location if needed. That's the initial server setup done! ( I WILL NOT BE CREATIN EW USER ACCOUNT AT THE MOMENT!) Make sure you are logged in as root! sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre ( If this doesn't work, use sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre) cd /root/ wget apt-get install unzip unzip mkdir Mc My Admin mv MCMA2_ Linux_x86_64 Mc My Admin cd /usr/local wget unzip cd /root/ Mc My Admin/ Run MCMA2_ Linux_x86_64 and set a password for the admin interface ( WRITE IT DOWN)./ MCMA2_ Linux_x86_64 -setpass Your Password Here * IF YOU HAV CMYADMIN SERVER YOU WANT TO COPY OVER TO VPS FROM WINDOWS, DO THE BELOW STEPS ELSE DO NOT DO THEM AND JUMP TO THE CONTINUE FROM HERE SECTION* Perform the command /quit when it has all loaded up and says you must complete setup via web interface Open Win SCP Connect to the server and login as root. Click the Mc My Admin folder and delete ALL THE CONTENTS EXCEPT MCMA2_ Linux_x86_64 Drag and drop.

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