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Drivers Update

How to use paragon adaptive restore

Version: 9.75.52
Date: 01 May 2016
Filesize: 1.11 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Replace Dead Motherboard Without Reinstalling Windows In this video I will show you one way to change your motherboard if it has failed / bad and needs.
When I travel I like to apply the exact image of my desktop to my laptop to take with me. I was ready to do this with the Win8 I have dual booting on my desktop, imaging it over to a second partition to add a laptop Dual Boot. Normally I would use Acronis Universal Restore to adjust the image to new hardware as it images over. However it strangely didn't offer Universal Restore option so I was prepared to do the PNP Adjust using Paragon Adaptive Restore CD after image was applied. Then things got stranger. The image couldn't be found to adjust by PAR, so I decided to boot into 8 repair to see if it was seen by that. Using flash stick installer repair it not only found the installation but when I ran Startup Repair it appears to have adjusted it to the significantly different hardware. At reboot I was given the Dual Boot menu which I'd previously added using Easy BCD from 7. It booted into Win8 after making several other adjustments which almost looked like first start after Sys Prep. All I needed to add is my older lappy graphics and wireless drivers. It already runs as well on the laptop as it does on the desktop. Since the SATA and most IDE drivers are almost always in the installer/ Repair CD anyway, I've wondered why Win RE couldn't in previous Windows do the driver adjustments on changed hardware. Normally the deal-breaker is storage controller, but I've learned that SID and HID also play a role in the adjustments required. Last edited by gregrocker; t 20:17.  My System Specs Yes, that makes sense. If you are running Win8 from usb - it will need to adjust to whatever you plug it into. Probably don't need to run startup repair, even. ( You must be running an earlier version of Paragon - v12 can see win 8 and will run p2p adjust. It works fine - but from what you just said - it probably isn't necessary)  My System Specs Computer Type PC/ Desktop OS.

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