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The ultimate green ubuntu

Version: 33.38.30
Date: 01 April 2016
Filesize: 134 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Time for a pop quiz: what are scientific Linux distributions? The answer is rather obvious: while most Linux distributions are general-purpose, some specialized ones come bundled with certain types of software. For example, there are media center distributions, those that turn your computer into a multimedia production studio, and even a few religious distros. Knowing that, it shouldn’t surprise you that scientific Linux distros exist. After all, the history of Linux began in research labs, and today Linux powers the servers and workstations of the world’s biggest research organizations. Simply put, scientific distros offer pre-installed software for various research purposes. Of course, you can transform your regular Ubuntu into a scientific distro by installing those same apps, but the point of such distributions is to avoid hunting for individual applications. Instead, they provide a quick way to deploy Linux in research facilities, educational institutions, and on personal computers of students and science-curious users. If you’re among the latter, here are five great scientific distros to consider. 1. Bio- Linux This green-colored distro is aimed at scientists who work in bioinformatics — an interdisciplinary field that combines molecular biology and genetics with statistics and analysis methods from computer science. Developed at the Environmental Omics Synthesis Centre in the UK, Bio- Linux is supported and funded by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology ( CEH) and Natural Environment Research Council ( NERC). It’s an Ubuntu-based distribution available for 64-bit systems only, and it offers two desktop environments: Unity as default and MATE as a lightweight alternative. The latest version ( ) guarantees long-term support thanks to its Ubuntu 14.04 core. Bio- Linux 8 packs literally hundreds of bioinformatics tools, both command-line and graphical. To help you.
When we build Drupal websites at Media Done Right, one of the tools we use is GIT. Do you use GIT? In our opinion, here's the best custom bash PS1 prompt for GIT. The Goal Ok, so why would you want to customize the bash prompt? Well it makes working at the command line much easier and can provide useful visual feedback, much like in a GUI program. Other tutorials on the web show versions of PS1 customizations that show you the GIT branch. And some even show the status of the branch. And there are many that show all the PS1 variables available, cool and colorful prompts of every sort. However, the problem with the tutorials that show status of GIT working tree changes (or changes with GIT INDEX) is that they waste real-estate in the terminal screen. The tutorials I've seen take a character or even a phrase to share GIT repo status using PS!. That's neat. But perhaps not so practical. So we took the idea of showing the current GIT branch plus any changes to the GIT Working Tree and then combined it with some of the custom color prompts we've seen. In this way you always know the branch and based on color, and potentially some sort of parsing character, the status. ( We used curly brackets in the example). We also made it really easy for you (or us) to change by defining constants. However, my ultimate goal would be to utilize the colors of the BASH profile used by gnome-terminal. If you know how to do this, I'd love a pointer in the right direction. The result of this BASH PS1 customization can be something that looks like this: Here's How to Customize the BASH prompt for GIT Interesting? Well here are the steps to customize the BASH prompt to show GIT branch and status. Your mileage may vary, but in Ubuntu, BASH customizations should generally be made in your ~/.bash_aliases file, use this file instead of directly editing ~/.bashrc (like some other tuts show). The.
1 August, 2015- All, Zorin OS We are excited to finally announce the release of Zorin OS 10 with the availability of the Zorin OS 10 Core and Ultimate editions. Zorin OS 10 is our best, most beautiful release yet. We have made major strides with the visual styling in Zorin OS. In addition to the refined & perfected desktop theme and the new default Free Sans desktop font, we have introduced a stunning new icon theme, based on the elementary and elementary-add icon themes. This is its first major overhaul since Zorin OS 2.0. The Zorin Theme Changer has been expanded, with the inclusion of new theme colors: Green, Orange and Red alongside the classic Blue theme from previous versions of Zorin OS. With Zorin OS 10, we have refreshed the selection of default applications with the addition of a streamlined new Media Player, the gorgeous Geary Mail client, Calendar app and the new Activity Journal, which lets you see the files and documents you have worked with based on duration and the time throughout the day. Our existing app selection has also been treated with updates, bug fixes and design enhancements throughout. Zorin OS 10 is based on Ubuntu 15.04 and comes pre-installed with the updated Linux Kernel 3.19 & systemd for performance boosts, stronger security and improved hardware support. As always, Zorin OS 10 uses the Zorin Desktop environment with Zorin Menu for unparalleled customization and the Zorin Look Changer for ultimate ease of use. We also include our Zorin Web Browser Manager to ease the installation of web browsers. You can download Zorin OS 10 Core or Ultimate from here. We hope that you will enjoy using it.

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