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Drivers Update

Autofrag sumo full versionjump

Version: 33.68.60
Date: 20 March 2016
Filesize: 0.715 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Action Autofrag: SUMO Read reviews, rate games, download free trials/versions. CATALOGUE game Autofrag: SUMO Rate: 76% /100 Price: 99     Reviewed by Yuri Storchak Genre and what to do:  The third person car arcade. You are in the armed to teeth car driving around the stages hitting your opponents trying to fight your way through 28 stages across 7 brutal leagues. You can choose way to win. Three different game modes: Campaign, Rocket Arena and Capture the Flag.  Style and atmosphere inside the game: Kill-them-all-to-win like game. You are really dangerous person as you can use machine guns, flamethrowers, rocket launchers and more while fighting your way to the top. But don't forget that your enemies have the same.  Offline gameplay: 1 player Multiplayer: Yes Publisher: Melted Games ESRB Ratio: Not rated Extras and features: · 24 Brand new tracks across more than 8 different environments· 4 Cool new cars - the Dart, the Bubble, the Offroader and the Awesome Monsta Truck· 4 New secondary weapons! Flamethrower, scythes, landmines and caltrops· 2 Tough new games modes! Rocket Arena and Capture the Flag· Upgradeable guns! From your basic machine gun to a super-cooled minigun· You can create your own MP3 file soundtrack· Online Hall of Fame! Compare your scores with the rest of the world Who is the Fragmeister and who's the Alpha lemming?· Much tougher AI - they now earn money for Frags just like you do - and spend them on new weapons and better cars Requirements: Processor PIII 800 or equivalent, Memory 128 MB, 32 MB 3 D Graphics, Direct X 7+,  Windows Vote for Autofrag: SUMO     TOP Action FEATURED game player' S REVIEW Author Comment Date Dvaid You don't have to download it. Its somewhere on a website non download. page1  Add comment RECOMMENDED.

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